Number of TC |
Name of TC |
- |
Military equipment |
ТК 01 |
Energy |
ТК 02 |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products |
ТК 03 |
Fruits and vegetables and their derived products |
ТК 04 |
Milk and milk products |
ТК 06 |
Information Technology |
ТК 08 |
Water quality |
ТК 10 |
Alcohol beverages |
ТК 11 |
Tobacco, tobacco products and its substitutes |
ТК 21 |
Conformity assessment and management systems |
ТК 23 |
Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems |
ТК 25 |
Petroleum products and lubricants |
ТК 27 |
Soil quality |
ТК 28 |
Methodology of standardization |
ТК 29 |
Tourism and related services |
ТК 30 |
Environment. Packaging, waste |
ТК 31 |
Refrigeration and air conditioning, safety and environmental protection |